2 min read

Establishing a Growth Mindset

Establishing a Growth Mindset
Photo by Daniel Öberg / Unsplash

Establishing a Growth Mindset - from page 194 of Dean Seddon’s book - Get Growing, Get Clients, Grow Faster and Spend Less Time Selling.

At its core, a growth mindset is a belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed over time through dedication, hard work, and constructive feedback. It stands in contrast to a fixed mindset, which assumes that these traits are innate and immutable.

Renowned psychologist Dr. Carol Dweck introduced the concept after decades of research on achievement and success. Her findings illuminated that the way we perceive our abilities profoundly affects our achievements.

"I need a different approach, or I need to put in more effort." 

Individuals with a growth mindset tend to embrace challenges, persevere through obstacles, and see effort as a natural part of the learning journey. They're more likely to learn from criticism and be inspired by the success of others. When faced with failure, instead of resigning to the belief that "I'm just not good at this," they more often think, "I need a different approach, or I need to put in more effort." 

In comparison, those with a fixed mindset may avoid challenges for fear of failure, give up quickly when faced with obstacles, and may feel threatened by others' successes. They often believe that if they're truly talented or intelligent, things should come easily to them, and if they don't, it's a reflection of their inherent incapabilities.

A growth mindset cultivates a love for learning. Individuals become more resilient in the face of setbacks, viewing them not as insurmountable failures but as opportunities to learn and adapt. This resilience enables them to overcome challenges that may deter others.

By believing that effort plays a significant role in success, people with a growth mindset are more likely to put in the necessary work, pushing themselves harder and further. Constructive criticism becomes a tool for growth rather than a source of discouragement. This openness to feedback can significantly accelerate personal and professional development.

So, what do you think? Is a growth mindset down to our DNA and the reason why some people persevere and others quit?