Greater Results Through Collaboration: A Guide for Entrepreneurs
When people tell me they're busy in answer to the question "How are you?" I often think to myself "busy doing what, going where?"
Building Your Brand in Somerset
In the world of digital marketing, content is more than just a tool for garnering likes or replicating viral trends.
Attention Hacking in Social Media. GaryVee 2024"
2024 will be the year of Content Marketing
Building a Meaningful Audience from Scratch
You have a story to tell about your product or service. You need an interested audience to tell it to. So let's begin building a meaningful audience from scratch.
Sales Stuff Explained
You may be tempted to let LinkedIn take over the way you engage with clients and prospects. Could this be a mistake?
The Enchanted Kettle
The story of the Enchanted Kettle began back in 1888 when an old country doctor drove to town, hitched his horse, quietly slipped into a drug store by the back door, and began bargaining with the young drug clerk.
Book Review: 'Gap Selling' by Keenan
Book Review: Gap Selling by Keenan, offers a fresh approach to sales. His book provides a more natural approach, one very different to the way most people perceive sales.