1 min read

Is it Time to Address the Elephant in the Room?

Are We Losing Sight of What's Important?
Is it Time to Address the Elephant in the Room?
Photo by Steve Barker / Unsplash

"We have become so good at complaining about what we can’t control. So good at arguing over things we can’t change. But what if we started talking about what we CAN do—together?" 

Social media has amplified our reactions, encouraged division, and conditioned us to respond almost robotically. *Pavlov’s dogs come to mind. 🔔

*Pavlov's Dogs refers to a famous experiment by Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist, who discovered the concept of conditioned responses. In his study, Pavlov rang a bell every time he fed his dogs.

Over time, the dogs began to associate the sound of the bell with food and would salivate even when no food was present.

This demonstrated how behaviour could be trained through repeated associations—an idea that remains central to understanding human habits and reactions today.

I digress. Here’s the thing: are we being pulled away from what really matters - our purpose, our peace? How much time and energy are we wasting on this stuff? I bet it's far more time than we imagine.

So here’s my question for you:
🌱 What can we do to move toward collaboration instead of conflict?

We need to shift the conversation. Let’s talk about what unites us and how we can support each other in finding peace, focus, and fulfilment.

I’d love to hear your thoughts.