Connect With Paul Clegg

Connect With Paul Clegg

Every business owner faces obstacles, moments of doubt, and challenging terrain. If the challenges are sales or marketing-related it makes sense to talk with someone with real sales and marketing experience, someone with a proven track record in building businesses.

Paul Clegg adopts a unique approach to joined-up marketing having worked with over a thousand small business owners in Wiltshire and Somerset. He discovered that people who start a business generally know their product or service to various degrees of expertise. Sales and marketing a separate discipline is where the challenges, concerns, and frustrations lie. And it costs, not only money spent on stuff that is never going to work, but in the time it takes to get it right.

It's true - "The Biggest Cost in Business is What You Don't Know"

"I have known Paul now for the past twelve years and he is one of the most professional and experienced marketing and networking people I know. Always eager to help and support, but also fast to adapt to a changing environment. He is a key person to watch and listen to when wondering the best way forward in a changing business world." Paula Carnell 

Does This Sound Like You?

  1. "I'm really busy but my business is Not Growing as it should"
  2. "How can I get in front of more Qualified Leads?"
  3. "How Do I Target the Right Audience more effectively?"
  4. "I need to improve my Social Media presence: How?"
  5. "How can I get more from my current Marketing budget?"

"Paul’s incisive questions are wielded with the deft precision of a scalpel in the hands of a skilled surgeon and they really do get under the skin of the participant’s business.  It’s not always comfortable, but that of course is the point." Andrew Western 

Decades of Experience, Tailored For You

With 40 years in sales, marketing, and leadership, Paul Clegg has navigated the very challenges you face. From leading sales and marketing teams in corporate to grassroots growth in Somerset, his journey isn't about accolades—it's about real-world solutions. His approach is down-to-earth and relatable.

“Smart, aware, generous, thoughtful, progressive. A powerful listener. Articulate and careful. Highly recommended on the first impression.” Thomas Power

Beyond Business: Creative Solutions

Telling your story to the right audience today requires a combination of online and offline marketing strategies. Pulling those strategies together requires the experience of someone with all-round marketing experience, not just a quick fix from someone who only knows how to post on Facebook or Instagram.

"I have been involved in marketing for almost 25 years and I can honestly say that Paul has opened my eyes to some areas of marketing that I perhaps would not have otherwise considered." Ewen Logan 

So, what next? Your choices are simple:

  • Do nothing. Just carry on doing what you're doing and continue to get what you are getting. At least Subscribe to Paul's marketing articles for FREE.
  • Wait for the Economy to Improve. Your competitors won't.
  • Arrange a call with Paul Clegg to discuss what needs to be done to improve your sales, marketing, and your bottom line.

Now, doesn't that feel better already?

Paul Clegg: 07976 243107 |

Back Story:

PAUL CLEGG - Back Story

Made in Manchester

Sales and Marketing - savvy, experienced, direct, pragmatic. I Attended Boy's School, Police Cadet training before I was introduced to sales by my best friend's dad, the Sales Director for Umbro Sports. 

In sales, I found my vocation and I've never looked back.

My corporate career was in the hair and beauty market rising through sales, marketing, and general management up to the board level of a leading International company.

Created my own brand consultancy in 1990 with a fanatical focus on understanding the needs of my clients.  Developed and launched products. Several guest appearances live on QVC for a client.

I built my reputation for helping small business owners and entrepreneurs. 10 years as BNI franchise holder for Somerset & Wiltshire training over 1,000 business owners in how to develop marketing partnerships. 

Man U fan, grandfather, Interests Inc. photography, videography, and flying drones. Commercial Drone Pilot - A2CofC Qualified (100% pass).  

Check out some of my Drone Footage here.