6 min read

Why are Video Interviews a more effective marketing strategy?

Why are Video Interviews a more effective marketing strategy?
Photo by Sam McGhee / Unsplash

Because video interviews increase visibility, engagement, and trust. And isn't that what you need to communicate when you're looking for new business?

If you're not sure where to start to include a video marketing strategy in your business this year, video interviews are a great way to start.

Picture this: you're a small business owner and you’re struggling to make your mark in a competitive market, alongside established players. You've tried the usual marketing tactics—social media, blog posts, and even email campaigns but you’re not getting much traction. Have you ever considered the untapped potential of video interviews?

Video interviews can be the game-changer that your marketing strategy needs. Why? Because they create an unparalleled sense of trust and human connection that other formats simply can't replicate.

Imagine being a fly on the wall, observing a conversation between a passionate business owner and their satisfied client. Wouldn't that give you a better understanding of the business, its values, and the results it delivers? Video interviews offer that same intimate experience without a sales pitch to the camera.

Let's dive deeper into why video interviews can give you the advantage you need.

Story Telling

First, there's the power of storytelling. As the ancient Greeks knew well, stories are the lifeblood of human connection. By sharing their journey, challenges, and triumphs, business owners can paint a vivid picture of their brand's narrative. This captivating storytelling not only builds emotional bonds but also helps the audience relate to the business on a deeper level. After all, who doesn't love a good story of hard work and perseverance?


Second, video interviews showcase the authentic, unfiltered voice of your clients if you involve them. They act as a mirror, reflecting the impact of your products or services on real people. Think of it like word-of-mouth marketing on steroids—genuine testimonials that reach a much larger audience. And as we all know, hearing from satisfied clients is often the most persuasive form of advertising.

To begin with, you don’t need to share any of your nerves about being in front of a camera with your clients by involving them in an interview. There's an advantage to working with a videographer with interviewing skills ie. their ability to ask relevant questions combined with the discipline to shut up and let the interviewee answer in full. So many so-called experienced TV interviewers get this wrong.

I recently interviewed Somerset Celebrant, Nicky Sutton for the funeral director she works with. In the midst of the interview, we decided to discuss what it was like to work with Wells Funeral Services. The result was a powerful testimonial both Nicky and the funeral director can use for their respective businesses.

It's one thing for you to say how good you are but far more powerful when someone else tells everyone how special you are.  

It’s a fact, video interviews allow the business owner's personality to shine. As the face of your brand, your unique qualities can create a powerful connection with your audience.

Are you quirky and creative? Professional and knowledgeable? Your charisma can be the hook that reels in potential customers. It's like inviting them into your living room for a friendly chat, building rapport and trust along the way.

Here this is demonstrated with style, fashion and branding photographer Marcus Ahmad as he reveals some of his personality at the beginning of a longer interview I conducted recently.

Video interviews can elevate a small business's marketing strategy. They harness the power of storytelling, showcase authentic client experiences, and let your personality shine. A half-hour interview can be broken down into a dozen or more topic-related videos and provide incredible value for money.

So why don’t more business owners build video interviews into their marketing strategy?

Common fears people have about being interviewed

Many people I’ve talked to report a range of fears and anxieties when it comes to being interviewed. For the most part, turn their fears into excuses.  Some of the most common concerns include:

1. Fear of public speaking: Many individuals are uncomfortable speaking in front of an audience, even if that audience is just a camera. This fear can stem from a lack of confidence or experience in public speaking.

2. Fear of judgment: People may worry about being judged or criticised by viewers, colleagues, or friends based on their appearance, speech, or opinions shared during the interview.

3. Fear of not being articulate: Some individuals may fear that they won't be able to effectively communicate their thoughts, ideas, or experiences during an interview, leading to misunderstandings or misrepresentations. “I wouldn’t know what to talk about” is a common response.

4. Fear of making mistakes: The pressure to perform well in an interview can lead to concerns about making errors, whether in speaking, recalling facts, or presenting oneself professionally.

5. Fear of the camera: For video interviews, some individuals may feel self-conscious or uneasy being recorded, leading to anxiety about their on-camera presence and performance.

Reality Check

I have conducted dozens of interviews with a camera and I believe it’s all down to the person conducting the interview and not the interviewee.

An experienced videographer and interviewer can play a crucial role in alleviating the fears and anxieties associated with being interviewed.  Initially, by creating a comfortable and supportive atmosphere, they can help put the interviewee at ease. Personally, I want the interviewer to look at me and not the camera. Once I've delivered my first question, the camera is forgotten.

The videographer's expertise in camera angles, lighting, and editing can ensure that the final product showcases the subject in the best possible way, alleviating concerns about appearance.

No one is expecting you to read the ten-clock news or compete with Graham Norton. Instead, you are having the sort of conversation you would have with a client.

An experienced interviewer can guide the conversation skillfully, asking thoughtful questions and providing prompts that help the interviewee express their thoughts clearly and confidently. Their empathetic approach and active listening skills can help build rapport, allowing the interviewee to feel more relaxed and open throughout the process.

Questions are best sent ahead but once the interview has started impromptu questions delve deeper, just as with any conversation. I remind interviewees that once we start we don’t stop even with bloopers or when you freeze. The edit tool is your friend.

Ultimately, the combined expertise of both professionals can transform the interview experience into a positive and rewarding one, enabling the subject to effectively convey their message without fear or apprehension.

This is part of my Video Interview Checklist:

1. Establish rapport: I start by building a connection with the interviewee through casual conversation before the interview begins. I ask about their interests, experiences, and especially any common ground we may share. This helps create a more relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Nothing less than I would do with a potential client.

2. Communicate expectations: Before the interview, I explain the process, format, and goals of the interview to the interviewee. This transparency can help alleviate any concerns or confusion they may have and create a sense of trust and preparedness.

3. Offer reassurance and encouragement: I provide encouragement and acknowledge the interviewee's expertise or experiences. I have confidence in their ability to contribute valuable insights, which can help boost their self-assurance and ease their nerves. An insight I know they take for granted.

4. Practice deep breathing or relaxation techniques: I rarely come across this but if I notice particular anxiety I would encourage the interviewee to practice deep breathing exercises or other relaxation techniques before the interview begins. This can help them release tension and feel more centred and calm. Something I learned when giving presentations to large audiences.

5. Allow for breaks and adjustments: Let the interviewee know that it's okay to pause or take a break if they need one during the interview. This flexibility can help them feel more in control and less pressured to perform perfectly. No one needs to perform perfectly. Any minor mistakes or stumbles can be edited out, so they can focus on the conversation without worrying about small errors. And obvious bloopers can be like gold dust.

Video Interviews in my view are so much more authentic than a straightforward pitch to the camera unless you are either a very experienced actor or salesperson with experience in front of a camera. We know when we are being pitched and no one likes it. Chat shows on TV and interviews on YouTube are some of the most watched footage there is.

I would encourage anyone thinking of creating a video interview on their own to turn to a videographer first, especially one who has conducted a number of interviews.  Why? Because they will understand lighting, composition, audio and editing. It takes time to learn this and to put it together.

Even if you want to develop these skills yourself, It’s far easier and quicker to call someone in, to begin with, and learn from the experience. Stick to what you do best and let a well-prepared series of interviews put you in front of far more qualified prospects than you have at present. Prospects already sold on you.